A 4" blue rooster model made from plant parts sit atop a model of the National Gallery of Art made from plant parts

A “Blue Rooster” Comes to U.S. Botanic Garden from National Gallery of Art

There’s now a second “blue rooster” on the National Mall. A 4” model of the famous Hahn / Cock sculpture on the roof of the National Gallery of Art’s East Building is now perched on an East Building replica inside the United States Botanic Garden. And both the building model and the Hahn / Cock model are made from plant parts.
U.S. map showing colored heat zones

Heat Zones, Plant Health, and the AHS Heat Zone Map

With tools like the USDA plant hardiness map, we typically only consider low winter temperatures as the primary metric by which we determine which plants to sow. However, we might benefit from incorporating summer temperature trends, like the information presented in the American Horticultural Society’s heat zone map, into our planting decisions. With summer temperatures spiking to record highs due to a changing climate, the impact of high heat on plant life is becoming increasingly relevant to growers.