Field Trips
Field trips, both in-person and online, make the U.S. Botanic Garden an extension of your classroom. The Garden offers instructor-led field trips for grades Pre-K–12, as well as guidance and on-site activity options for self-guided exploration.
- Select and schedule your Field Trip Experience
- Understand Field Trip Logistics

Teacher Resources
Engage young people in plant science with these educational resources. The lesson plans, manuals, and guides are designed to help establish instructional practices that center on science, plants, and the environment. For materials to use at the Garden, see our On-Site Activity Resources.
Flower to Seed, Seed to Flower Lesson Plan
Explore the life cycle of a flowering plant by examining how and why plants make seeds.
- Flower to Seed, Seed to Flower [PDF], recommended for grades Kindergarten - 2nd
- Flower to Seed, Seed to Flower [PDF], recommended for grades 3rd - 5th
Greenhouse Manual
An introductory manual for educators wanting to use new or existing greenhouses for programming. The manual lays out a basic understanding of greenhouses, how to integrate them into lessons, and how to effectively use greenhouses in classroom curricula and out-of-school activities. Lesson plans and information on growing plants in a greenhouse are included.
School Garden Guide
A guide to starting a new school garden, maintaining an existing school garden, and providing high-quality garden-based instruction. The guide was created by the U.S. Botanic Garden, the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education, and City Blossoms, and is intended for a broad audience including teachers, school administrators, community-based organization staff, community members, and parents.
Youth Entrepreneurship Cooperative Manual
A resource with templates and tools to support anyone interested in connecting high school youth with gardens and entrepreneurship skill-building. Created in partnership with City Blossom and informed by their Youth Entrepreneurship Cooperative (YEC) program, the guide covers recruiting participants, forming local partnerships, designing a safe and inviting meeting space, and launching a youth-led cooperative business.
Teaching Landscape for Life
A complete kit of teaching resources for conducting classes in sustainable home gardening. Materials available include a downloadable, illustrated teacher’s manual and four slide presentations that illustrate the curriculum.